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Capsule Wardrobe Ideas for a Creative New Yorker in Florida

Capsule Wardrobe Ideas for a Creative New Yorker in Florida

I recently had a zoom call with a client who works in a casual, creative field (he produces amazing commercials) and has lived in NYC for a long time - but just moved to Florida.

He's looking for an updated capsule wardrobe that is smart, casual and lightweight enough for life in Florida - but doesn’t look out-of-place when he travels back to NYC for work and visits.

Below are some of the ideas we put together for his capsule.

As with all of our capsules, these items are hand-picked to be effortlessly mixed-and-matched (in any combination) so he can quickly and easily create dozens (if not hundreds) of outfit combinations for a wide range of events and occasions. 

3 Lightweight Casual Jackets (in different levels of formality)

3 Versatile Lightweight Pants

3 Polos in Different Styles

3 T-Shirts in Different Styles

3 Lightweight Business/Casual Shirts

Chilly Nights


Book the Capsule Wardrobe Experience.

We look forward to working with you!

Also check out our guide: How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe.

Yours in style,

Dan Trepanier